Meaning of (सुधार करना) sudhar karna in english

As noun : upgrade Ex:  Naval Tactics, Art to upgrade buildings, wings in battle
perfect Ex:  This piece of tapestry, embroidery is of great regularity, perfect regularity
As verb : correct Ex:  Penalty imposed to correct
Other : to reform Ex:  Julius threatened to reform the League of Cambrai against her. rectified come along rectify reform Ex:  Julius threatened to reform the League of Cambrai against her. improve Ex:  The construction of the Sveaborg naval fortress helped improve its status
Suggested : to approach or move toward a particular person or place to make, put, or set right remedy correct conforming absolutely to the description or definition of an ideal type an incline going up in the direction of movement to set or make true, accurate, or right remove the errors or faults from
Exampleसुधार करना का हिन्दी मे अर्थ

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Usage of सुधार करना:
1. दुनिया की चौथे नंबर की टीम इंडिया को अगर आईसीसी टीम रैंकिंग में अपनी स्थिति में सुधार करना है तो न्यूजीलैंड के खिलाफ होने वाली वनडे सीरीज कम से कम 4-1 के अंतर से जीतनी होगीlivehindustan.com2. इसका मकसद गंगा को पॉल्यूशन फ्री बनाना है और घाटों का सुधार करना है bhaskar.com3. ‘शैक्षणिक स्तर में सुधार करना ही लक्ष्य’
(सुधार करना) sudhar karna can be used as noun or verb and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 10 including consonants matras. Transliteration : sudhaara karanaa

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